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Laurie Brown says she writes because she loves to, because she needs to do it in order to stay sane, and because writing gets her out of housework. By day a mild mannered accountant, she spends her writing evenings and weekends following her alpha heroes and spunky heroines on their madcap adventures to a happy ending. She writes historical, contemporary, and paranormal romances, each with a humorous voice and sensual tone. Besides speaking at writing conferences from Florida to Washington, she has taught a number of writing classes at College of DuPage.

Her most recent release DEATH OF BRIDEZILLA is a contemporary mystery (think Brigit Jones channels Nancy Drew) for Little Black Dress, London. Laurie is currently working on OVER HIS DEAD BODY book two of the three-book series.

WHAT WOULD JANE AUSTEN DO? (May 2009) was her second time travel romance for Sourcebooks and it was a Romance Writers of America RITA Finalist in the Paranormal Category. Two more time travel books are in the works, WHAT WOULD JANE AUSTEN CHOOSE? and WHAT WOULD JANE AUSTEN RISK?

Laurie loves to hear from readers, especially if they laughed out loud while reading her books.

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